Objective Types
XLTournaments has a bunch of objectives to make awesome tournaments with.
As of version 3.13.5 the POTION_BREW objective is highly experimental. There is a chance for exploits with it regarding tournament scores. This is just due to the way the method must be made as there is no easy way to track potion brewing via the API
Internal Objectives (7)
These objectives require no external plugins to work. Simply install XLTournaments and you're done.
This objective requires users to break blocks in order to score points in the tournament.
Optional Settings:
These settings can be added to your tournament file to change the way the tournament behaves.
Exclude Placed Blocks:
This setting will prevent blocks placed by players from counting in the tournament.
Setting: exclude_placed_blocks: true/false
Block Whitelist
This setting allows you to define what blocks count in the tournament instead of every block counting.
BLOCK_PLACE - Place the most blocks.
OPTIONAL CONFIG SETTING: 'block_whitelist' (only these blocks will be counted):
block_whitelist: [GRASS_BLOCK]
ITEM_CRAFT;<ITEM> - Craft a specific item.
MOB_KILLS - Kill the most mobs.
: (only these mob types will be counted):Example:
mob_whitelist: [SHEEP, COW]
player_kills_only: true/false
Requires all kills to be by a player only.
PLAYER_FISH - Capture the most fish.
PLAYER_KILLS - Kill the most players.
PLAYER_CONSUME - Consume the most food.
PLAYTIME - Play on the server the longest.
POTION_BREW - Brew the most potions
External Objectives
These objectives require an external plugin to be installed in order for them to work.
Objectives for plugins that have been removed off spigot have a chance of being removed from the plugin.
BedWars1058 (v21.2)
BEDWARS1058_BED_BREAK - Break the most beds.
BEDWARS1058_KILLS - Kill the most players.
BEDWARS1058_FINAL_KILLS - Get the most final kills.
BEDWARS1058_LEVEL_UP - Level up your stats.
BEDWARS1058_WINS - Win the most bedwars games.
ChatReaction (v1.8.0)
CHATREACTION_WINS - Win the most chat reactions.
ClueScrolls (v4.0.0)
CLUESCROLLS_CLUE_COMPLETE - Complete the most clues on any scroll.
CLUESCROLLS_SCROLL_COMPLETE - Complete the most scrolls.
CRAZYCRATES_OPEN - Open the most crazy crates.
CRAZYENVOY_OPEN - Open the most envoy crates.
EssentialsX (v2.18.2)
ESSENTIALS_BALANCE_RECEIVE - Receive the most money (excluding /pay).
ESSENTIALS_BALANCE_SPEND - Spend the most money (excluding /pay).
ExcellentCrates (v4.4.2)
EXCELLENTCRATES_OPEN - Open the most crates.
MythicMobs (v4.9.1)
MYTHICMOBS_KILLS - Kill the most mythic mobs.
ODailyQuests (v2.2.3)
ODAILYQUESTS_COMPLETE - Complete the most daily quests.
PlaceholderAPI (v2.10.9)
PLACEHOLDERAPI;<placeholder without %> - Use PlaceholderAPI placeholders (must resolve to integer placeholder). By using this objective, the current score value is replaced, not added.
Last updated